Friday, August 25, 2006

Another trip to the vet


This morning, Frisco was very unstable on his feet. It took some doing to guide him outside,
and he fell hard on his side a couple of times. I finally got him to eat his breakfast, and to
take care of his biological needs, only with my hand on his right to keep him from falling
over. He fell several times on my way into the house, as he ran up ahead of where I could
keep a grip on his shoulder.

I took him in for another cortisone shot, his fourth or so since taking ill. I am pleased to note
that it has been something like three weeks, which is the longest he's been without a shot --
so the trend is in the right direction. It usually takes a while for the steroid to kick in, so I
expect him to awaken tomorrow morning with new vigor.



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